• 姓名: 陈晓东
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 厦门大学
  • 化学化工学院










1.“Monodisperse droplet formation through a continuous jet break-up using glass nozzles operated with piezoelectric pulsation”,W.-D.Wu,S.X.Q.Lin and X.-D.Chen*,AIChE J.2010,DOI: 10.1002/aic.12364.

2.“Assembly of uniform photoluminescent microcomposites using a novel micro-fluidic-jet-spray-dryer”,W.-D.Wu,S.X.Q.Lin,C.Selomulya and X.-D.Chen*,AIChE J.2010,DOI: 10.1002/aic.12489.

3.“Model-based analysis and optimisation of bioreactor for hematopoietic stem cells cultivation”,M.T.A.P.Kresnowati*,G.Forde and X.-D.Chen,Bioproc.Biosyst.Eng.2010,DOI: 10.1007/s00449-010-0449-z

4.“A simple non-gravimetric technique for measurement of convective drying kinetics of single droplets”,L.Che and X.-D.Chen*,Dry.Technol.2010,28,73-77.

5.“A fundamental model of particle deposition incorporated in CFD simulations of an industrial milk spray dryer”,Y.Jin and X.-D.Chen*,Dry.Technol.2010,28,960-971.

6.“Characterization of Milk Protein Concentrate (MPC) Solubility using Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM)”,Y.Fang,C.Selomulya and X.-D.Chen*,Dairy Sci.Technol.2010,90,253-270.

7.“Effects of potato starch addition and cooling rate on rheological characteristics of flaxseed protein concentrate”,B.Wang,L.-J.Wang,D.Li,Y.-L.Chiu,Z.Zhang,J.Shi and X.-D.Chen* and Z.H.Mao,J.Food Eng.,2009,91,392-401

8.“Application of the reaction engineering approach (REA) to model cyclic drying of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/glycerol/water mixture”,A.Putranto,X.-D.Chen* and P.Webley,Chem.Eng.Sci.2009,65,5193-5203.

9.“On a relationship proposed for thin layer drying of porous materials”,X.-D.Chen*,Chem.Eng.Process.2009,48,1583-1584.

10.“Infrared and convective drying of thin layer of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/glycerol/water mixture - the reaction engineering approach (REA)”,A.Putranto,X.-D.Chen* and P.Webley,Chem.Eng.Process.2009,49,348-357.

11.“Editorial: Food Powder Technology”,X.-D.Chen and D.Li,J.Food Eng.2009,94,129.

12.“Freezing on sub-cooled surfaces,phenomena,modelling and applications”,F.G.F.Qin,X.-D.Chen* and K.Free,Int.J.Heat Mass Tran.2009,52,1245-1253.

13.“The impact of various drying kinetics models on the prediction of sample temperature– time and moisture content– time pro?les during moisture removal from stratum corneum”,S.Kar,X.-D.Chen*,B.P.Adhikari and S.X.Q.Lin,Chem.Eng.Res.Des.2009,87,739-755.

14.“Experimental and thermal analysis of washing the packed ice bed in wash columns”,F.G.F.Qin,M.-L.Yang,X.-X.Yang,X.-D.Chen* and A.Abeynaike,AIChE J.2009,55,2835-2847.

15.“A composite reaction engineering approach to drying of aqueous droplets containing sucrose,maltodextrin (DE6) and their mixtures”,K.Patel,X.-D.Chen*,S.X.Q.Lin and B.Adhikari,AIChE J.2009,55,217-231.